Stacia McCahan, RDN, LD/N, RYT 200
Stacia is currently offering telehealth appointments. Check the calendar for availability and to schedule a day and time that is convenient for you.
I am a Registered and Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist and Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance. I received my Bachelors of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of North Florida and then went on to complete my supervised internship as part of a distance learning program through the University of Northern Colorado. Knowing that I wanted to focus on specializing in an integrative approach to therapy for eating disorders, combining nutrition counseling with yoga, I spent much of my internship at Preferred Nutrition, learning everything that I could from my like-minded preceptors. I believe that life is meant to be enjoyed and that food should be part of that enjoyment, without stress, guilt, or judgment. We have to have food to survive, so let’s have fun with it! I am passionate about a holistic, individualized approach to nutrition and wellness and believe in Health at Every Size, intuitive and mindful eating, and joyful movement. My goal as a dietitian is to help individuals find tools for life that work for them and to bring pleasure back to eating, one mindful bite at a time. As a side, she has completed her Masters for Counseling at Jacksonville University and seeing clients to complete her internship. One smart cookie!
“Stacia- I just want to thank you again for coming to speak with my class this past semester. I graded the final assignment which included a question in discussion about which speaker’s topic was most beneficial and hands down, your nutrition segment was the most well received! The students especially liked the food you brought and the little tips and tricks for better nutritional choices on the days they “work out”.
With much gratitude… -AH”