Giddy Up!

It's starting again.....

Jill and I met up w/ Caroline last week at the Galloway start for a little 3 mile walk/run. Caroline, who's running Chicago in October says, "hey, will you run 20 with me next weekend cuz Leslie is out of town?"
So I say, why not....WHY NOT!!! Are you kidding me!?! She reconsiders and requests only 14....FOURTEEN! She agrees to come to the beach, so we head out thru the golf course in the dark...

And loop around by the Spa.... Then swing by Jill's favorite can see the Gator's chillin.....

Then swing back thru the golf course for a little cross country.....9 down....

After refueling & hydrating, it's north to finish up the last 5....up to the Pier....I don't have a photo, but "I swear it's just up there...." I believe there were some Hammer gels consumed and a LaraBar, along w/ gatorade & lots of water.....Finished er up 14.46 mi...whoops a little long....but what a great run!

We run in Paradise!

exercise, fitnesspreferred