Are You Ready To Make Peace With Food?

Intuitive Eating – Make Peace With Food Tuesdays, October 9-November 13th, 2012


Cost: $30 per session or $150 for all paid in advance

Change the way you approach the holidays this year.  This 6-week group focuses on applying intuitive eating techniques and moving towards a healthy relationship with food, mind and body– where YOU ultimately become the expert of your body.  You learn to distinguish between physical and emotional feelings, and gain a sense of body wisdom.  It’s also a process of making peace with food – to end “food worry” thoughts.  Topics include Practical tools for learning what, when & how much to eat; ending the diet cycle; Reconnecting with your natural rhythm of hunger.  This is also a helpful technique for those ready to move to the next level of recovery from disordered eating and those who have experienced diet trauma.  For questions or to reserve your spot, use our online contact form or call 904.270.1234.
